Support is available, wherever you are at with your drinking, and wherever you are in Australia.
National 24/7 Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline (ADIS): 1800 250 015
Counselling Online (free drug and alcohol counselling 24/7 - online, phone and email), run by Turning Point:
Navigating the AOD system can be challenging but ADF have a great tool, Path2Help which allows you to search for services Australia-wide:
Australian charities with fantastic resources, that we recommend:
Daybreak app from Hello Sunday Morning (not a meeting but a useful, free behavioural change tool). They also have a fantastic weekly newsletter and online resources:
If you’re based in rural or remote areas, check out the awesome charity Sober in the Country. They have a Bush Tribe which is an online community specifically for country folk:
Untoxicated for alcohol-free social community and events in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne:
Smart Recovery Australia online and F2F meetings offering evidence based support to people experiencing problematic drug, alcohol, gambling or food use:
Other recovery communities:
AA Online meetings:
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) online meetings:
Adult Children of Alcoholics:
Al-Anon - for family and friends:
Other 24/7 support services:
Family Drug Support 1300 368 186
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
MensLine 1300 789 978