Support is available, wherever you are at with your drinking, and wherever you are in Australia.

National 24/7 Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline (ADIS): 1800 250 015

Counselling Online (free drug and alcohol counselling 24/7 - online, phone and email), run by Turning Point:

Navigating the AOD system can be challenging but ADF have a great tool, Path2Help which allows you to search for services Australia-wide:

Australian charities with fantastic resources, that we recommend:

Daybreak app from Hello Sunday Morning (not a meeting but a useful, free behavioural change tool). They also have a fantastic weekly newsletter and online resources:

If you’re based in rural or remote areas, check out the awesome charity Sober in the Country. They have a Bush Tribe which is an online community specifically for country folk:

Untoxicated for alcohol-free social community and events in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne:

Smart Recovery Australia online and F2F meetings offering evidence based support to people experiencing problematic drug, alcohol, gambling or food use:

Other recovery communities:

AA Online meetings:

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) online meetings:

Adult Children of Alcoholics:

Al-Anon - for family and friends:

Other 24/7 support services:

Family Drug Support 1300 368 186

Lifeline 13 11 14

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

MensLine 1300 789 978

If you are at immediate risk of seizure, self harm/suicide or overdose please go to your nearest emergency department or call 000.

Acute alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening, PLEASE seek medical supervision.